


MKC Petroleum Consulting provides clastic and carbonate petrographic services but specializes in carbonate petrography.

Petrographic services consists of detailed descriptions of thin sections prepared from core and well cuttings, including identification and description of minerals, allochems, texture, sorting, grain size distribution, porosity types, pore geometry, matrix, cement, diagenetic events recognizable from thin sections and rock classification.

The exploration of carbonate reservoirs through rock based observations tied to wireline logs and seismic data is a well established approach in the industry. In carbonates a better understanding of depositional facies and their reservoir quality is only possible by looking at the rocks. Core studies supplemented with thin section petrography is very useful for exploring carbonate reservoirs. In the absence of core data, thin sections prepared from well cuttings provide valuable data. Study of thin sections is useful to identify the sweet spots within the reservoir when tied to well logs especially in unconventional tight plays.

At MKC Consulting we use the latest Nikon Petrographic microscopes with designated digital camera systems and NIS-Elements imaging software. NIS-Elements is a cutting edge tool which has revolutionized microscopic imaging and provides superior workflow management and archiving capabilities.

The high magnification capability of electron microscopy is ideally suited to study fine-scale rock features, such as texture, composition, and porosity, down to the nanometer scale. Recent advances in electron microscopy technology have resulted in improved imaging and analytical methods to better describe, evaluate, and understand unconventional reservoirs. A combined XRD and SEM analysis of a sample is the quickest way to identify abundances and types of clay minerals and their distribution in a rock.

SEM analysis is used to investigate authigenic clays and cements in the pore systems of conventional reservoir rocks. Recent Argon-ion milling techniques combined with backscattered electron (BSE) imaging are used to investigate micro and nanopore systems in unconventional reservoir rocks.

EDX analysis is used to identify elemental composition of framework grains or cements in a reservoir rock.

XRD records the characteristic diffraction or reflection peaks of a beam of X-rays interacting with minerals’ crystal structures, which is diagnostic for certain minerals.

XRD is used to determine the composition of rocks and other crystalline material. It is the best analytical tool to determine quantities and types of clay minerals. Our Rigaku MiniFlex 600 attached with Monochromator ensures the reduction of undesired X-ray signals. We use advanced software and analytical techniques such as Rietveld Refinement and Full Pattern Fitting in order to increase the accuracy and precision of our analyses. The clay-size fraction is analyzed separately from bulk components, then recombined to provide the total composition of the rock. For clay identification we use zero background holders to minimize background interference. Our sample preparation methods minimize preferred orientation of minerals. Results are reported in weight percent.

XRD Analyses are useful in:

Ä°dentification of mineralogical composition

Improved log calibration; allows calculation of grain density and illite crystallinity (for thermal maturity assessment)

Define clay components

Determine brittleness

Choice of drilling, completion and stimulation fluids

Determine index of crystallinity and degree of silica diagenesis in siliceous shale

Determination of polytype and abundance of feldspars, carbonates, illite/mica

Determine the expandability of inter-stratified illite/smectite

Clay diagenesis

Identifying producing zones where chlorite suppresses resistivity

Unmasking reservoir quality sands where K-feldspar content produces high gamma-ray readings similar to adjacent shales

Improve porosity evaluation with formation-specific grain density

MKC consulting has provided geological supervision on vertical, deviated and horizontal wells in Alberta and NE British Columbia. Our qualified and experienced wellsite geologists ensure the best possible communication with both the drilling personal at the rig and with the office. Our geologists have all the required tickets including H2S alive, First Aid/CPR, WIMS and TDG.

Wellsite Services

Geological wellsite supervision

Gas Detector monitoring

Describing drill cuttings

Generating strip logs

Core supervision and description

Preparation of well end report

Oil and Gas industry fully appreciates the importance of palaeontology as a primary tool for determination of stratigraphic position, relative dating, and correlation We offer a full range of biostratigraphic analysis and interpretation service through in-house specialists and associates. Our services include micropaleontology (foraminifera) and calcareous nanoplankton, wellsite biostratigraphy, correlation studies and multi-disciplinary integrated studies, high-resolution biostratigraphy and biofacies studies fully integrated with seismic, wireline log and sedimentological or lithofacies data. A written biostratigraphic report with the age interpretation, along with key diagnostic microfossil species.

We provide:

A plot of recovered microfossil species versus sample depth detailing the interpreted age and correlation point
Projects with foraminiferal analysis will be provided with interpretations of flooding surfaces based on the recovery of the foraminiferal species
Detailed well-log sequence stratigraphic interpretations on well analysis.

Every oil and gas play originates from source rock. The viability of each play conventional or unconventional, oil or gas depends on its source rock.

For comprehensive source rock evaluation following data set is required:

RockEval pyrolysis
Vitrinite reflectance
Source rock mapping

We use LECO for TOC determination and RockEval 6 to determine TOC (organic richness), S1 (free hydrocarbons in rock), S2 (remaining hydrocarbon potential), S3 (organic CO2), Tmax (Thermal Maturity). The new RockEval 6 has an extended pyrolysis range that allows for better characterization of the free hydrocarbons and provides a measure of the inorganic CO2.

MKC offers complete petrophysical services which include:

  • Formation evaluation using open hole and cased hole logs & wireline and LWD logs.
  • Core log integration.
  • Single and multi-well interpretation.
  • Routine and special core analysis and integration with logs.
  • Rock properties and geomechanics analysis.
  • Advance sonic application using dipole sonic data for anisotropy analysis & frac job optimization.
  • Integration of petrophysical analysis with thin sections.
  • Interpretation of pulsed neutron logging for injected steam monitoring for heavy oil.
  • Geological core descriptions.
  • Special expertise in carbonates to understand the carbonate complexities (diagenesis, porosity issues etc).

MKC consulting has provided geological supervision on vertical, deviated and horizontal wells in Alberta and NE British Columbia. Our qualified and experienced wellsite geologists ensure the best possible communication with both the drilling personal at the rig and with the office. Our geologists have all the required tickets including H2S alive, First Aid/CPR, WIMS and TDG.

Wellsite Services

Geological wellsite supervision

Gas Detector monitoring

Describing drill cuttings

Generating strip logs

Core supervision and description

Preparation of well end report

MKC consulting has provided geological supervision on vertical, deviated and horizontal wells in Alberta and NE British Columbia. Our qualified and experienced wellsite geologists ensure the best possible communication with both the drilling personal at the rig and with the office. Our geologists have all the required tickets including H2S alive, First Aid/CPR, WIMS and TDG.

Wellsite Services

Geological wellsite supervision

Gas Detector monitoring

Describing drill cuttings

Generating strip logs

Core supervision and description

Preparation of well end report

MKC Petroleum Consulting Inc is a geological consulting company and Lab operating in Alberta since 2005. MKC Consulting provides sedimentological, well logs and petrophysical interpretation, reservoir characterization, petrographic, scanning electron microscopic (SEM), XRD (Bulk and Clay), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), and biostratigraphic analyses. MKC also provide source rock evaluation and integrated sequence stratigraphic analysis. MKC in collaboration with industry partners provide complete evaluation of shale gas, shale oil and tight sand plays.